You can book your personal appointment from Monday to Friday, late appointments are possible.
Appointments can be scheduled by email or personally by using the call back button below. I will give you a feedback as soon as possible.
Information about the services I offer:
90 minutes coaching and consultance for couples : € 110
50 minutes one to one coaching and consultance : € 70
Einer geht noch - oder nicht?
Ich lade Euch herzlich zum Workshop für Vielliebende und solche, die es werden wollen, ein.
Wir sprechen über die wichtigsten Schritte in Richtung offene/polyamore Beziehung, das Wie und Was zum Thema Kommunikation und Konsent, und über Vetos, Grenzen sowie Ausstiegsgründe. Am meisten jedoch widmen wir uns der Grundlage von nicht monogamen Beziehungen: der Liebe und der Leidenschaft. Es wird hoch spannend!
Der Workshop eignet sich für Paare, Einzelne und Vielliebende jeglicher Orientierung und Genderidentität.
Termin: 23.02.2023 19-22 Uhr
Ort: Teehaus Große Wallanlagen, Hamburg
Kosten 27€

Vulva Workshop
I invite you to my workshop on the vulva: one of the most important organs in the world!
Learn with me everything you were never told at school. Get to know her breathtaking talents, get in touch with her and discover how diverse her abilities are. You will be surprised!
This workshop is aimed at all people with a vulva. The number of participants is limited to 8 people, the workshop will be held without nudity and physical contact with other people.
Price 950 CZK.

My Body My Temple
For whom:
The workshop is meant for trans women (MTF) and non-binary people who are interested in strengthening their feminine side and who have experienced the almost inevitable difficulties in our society during or after transition, or the rejection of their own definition of gender.
What is it about:
The aim of the workshop is to achieve balance and self-acceptance, to perceive and emphasize one's own femininity, mentally strengthening and balancing the soul. Together we learn techniques against fears, depression and insecurities, and strengthen the ability to master conflict situations.
Ze Mě seminar room in the Planeta ZA area
Na Louži 7, 101 00 Prague
August 29th / September 19th
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
lunch break
3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Bring along:
Cozy socks, comfortable clothes, a long neckcloth or scarf
900, - CZK /36, - € - payment and registration via the contact form to: www.sexology-coaching.com